chris-maxcer-circleChris Maxcer has been writing about business technology since the birth of the email newsletter. Along the way, he’s written thousands of articles on enterprise computing topics and covered major technology companies like IBM, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and Apple with solutions and IT strategies used by companies as diverse as Lockheed Martin and Tasty Baking. His business tech content has appeared in TechNewsWorld, MacNewsWorld, E-Commerce Times, Linux Insider, 1to1 Magazine, POWER IT Pro, iPro Developer, System iNEWS magazine, SAP NetWeaver magazine, insiderPROFILES, COMMON, ASUG, and multiple TechTarget sites, including SearchCRM, SearchManufacturingERP, SearchFinancialApplications, SearchOracle, and SearchSAP. He also writes consumer-oriented tech news about Apple, and while he is generally a big fan of smart technology, he believes there’s something to be said for turning it all off — or most of it — to go outside. For professional connections, try LinkedIn or take a firstnamelastname guess at