Technical Writing Clips

Chris Maxcer has been writing about business technology since the birth of the email newsletter. Along the way, he’s written thousands of articles on enterprise computing topics and covered major technology companies like IBM, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft and Apple with solutions and IT strategies used by companies as diverse as Lockheed Martin and Tasty Baking. His business tech content has appeared in TechNewsWorld, MacNewsWorld, E-Commerce Times, Linux Insider, 1to1 Magazine, POWER IT Pro, iPro Developer, System iNEWS magazine, SAP NetWeaver magazine, insiderPROFILES, COMMON, ASUG, and multiple TechTarget sites, including SearchCRM, SearchManufacturingERP, SearchFinancialApplications, SearchOracle and SearchSAP. He has also written consumer-oriented tech news about Apple, and while he is generally a big fan of smart technology, he believes there’s something to be said for turning it all off — or most of it — to go outside. For professional connections, try LinkedIn or take a firstnamelastname guess at


Technical Writing Clips

Much of the technical content I’ve written has been behind paywalls, not visible due to NDAs, or has likely been removed by publishers for ongoing site maintenance for SEO. However, I do have access to several proof points:

Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control Launches Major SAP ERP Upgrade
In-depth case study with B2B recommendations for SAP NetWeaver Magazine

How TomTom Drives Business in the Fast Lane
In-depth case study with B2B recommendations for insiderPROFILES

Client Success Story Series
Challenges/Solutions/Results 1-pager series of marketing content for Rimini Street

Generating a Lightning Fast Upgrade: How Powell Electronics Moved from SAP R/3 4.7 to SAP ERP 6.0 in Just 11 Weeks
In-depth case study with B2B recommendations for SAP NetWeaver Magazine

Dow Corning Delivers BI for the Masses — from the Top Down
In-depth case study with B2B recommendations for SAP NetWeaver Magazine

Who’s the leader in mobile OS market share for ruggedized devices?
Industry news report for TechTarget’s SearchERP

CRM in Financial Services: Best Practices, Trends and Strategy For The New Economy
The original ebook was created as a marketing incentive for TechTarget’s — and is long gone — but this version survived due to a post to Scribd by a random reader