There is no doubt that high-end optics are super cool — the trouble is, most people can’t afford them. Maven, a small optics company in Wyoming, however, is working to deliver high-quality optics at very affordable price points. To do it, Maven only sells direct to consumers, which cuts out middlemen, which lets them keep their prices down. This also has a side effect: You can’t find Maven binoculars, for example, in traditional brick-and-mortar stores. I was, however, able to put a review unit of Maven’s C.1 10×42 binoculars to work. The C.1 is Maven’s entry-level bino, which means it’s actually more of a midrange bino. So how was it? Surprisingly great. I’m a big fan. While the higher-end Maven B.1 binoculars are certainly a step up, it’s really hard to beat the price-to-value ratio of the Maven C-series line for most people.
To learn more, ready my full review of the Maven C.1 Binoculars at Man Makes Fire.